Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Remembrance: September 11, 2001

Every year for the past 6 I’ve been very sad and angry on this day. Seven years ago today, as Americans went about their daily business, children going to school, parents heading off to work, police and fire personnel manning their stations, a murderous group of Islamists attacked our country. I remember so vividly the cowardly terror attacks on America. This morning I awoke and immediately remembered the ones who were murdered that day. I said a prayer just like I’ve done for the past 6 September 11th’s. I got up, did my morning routine and came to work. I’m still angry. You say, “Get over it”? I say no chance in hell will I ever forgive OR forget. It’s something that’s been seared into my brain like a bad dream come true.

I remember what that Mensa member Idiot, Bill Maher said on his now defunct ABC propaganda program shortly after the attacks: “We have been the cowards, lobbing Cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, not cowardly”.

Well Bill, you are wrong on so many counts. And here are just a few of my reasons:

- Taking innocent civilians hostage and murdering them is cowardly.
- Attacking non-military targets is cowardly.
- Using civilian passenger planes as missiles is cowardly.

There is a HUGE difference between what our brave American military men and women do and the cowardly acts of terrorists.

- America tells you in advance that we are coming and why. No bullshit, no sneaking. It’s up to the enemy to prepare their defense.
- America comes at the terrorists in full uniform and under our flag. No hiding behind civilian clothes and posing as ordinary travelers or civilians.
- America does its best to avoid any “collateral damage” (BTW, I hate that term). The cowards we go after are different. They don’t care who else gets killed or maimed in the name of Islam.
- America doesn’t hide behind the civilian population. The cowardly terrorists do. They hide behind women and children. They attack from schools, hospitals and mosques knowing full well that U.S. military personnel are reluctant and under orders NOT to return fire.

You know, there are times when our country and our leaders are wrong. Lots of times. I see that and while I’m not at all happy about it, I can also see the good we have done across the world. Even in places where we are despised and denigrated, we continue to help.

That’s just the way we are here in the United States of America.

We give and give more.

We help and keep on helping.

We are a good nation of all sorts of people who want to do what’s right and just.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is Obama a jerk or what?

What the hell is the matter with Obama?

I guess he's had the word "lipstick" stuck in his mind since Gov. Sarah Palin gave her acceptance speech a week ago.

I can't remember when a presidential candidate has referred to an opponent is such a derogatory manner.

Just goes to show that when we gets his mouth a-runnin' and the cheerin' a-goin', he can't keep his mouth from a-flappin'.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin Rocks!

I love this lady! Governor Sarah Palin really Rocks!

Why? Because she’s not a lifelong politician and talks like a real person. No platitudes. No bullshit. No beating around the bush. Governor Sarah Palin is exactly what John McCain needs to co-pilot his “Straight Talk Express”.

Some of the liberal pundits stated after her GOP Convention VP acceptance speech that all it proved was that she could read a teleprompter. Huh? Well, so can Barack Obama. The difference is that Sarah Palin actually came up with specific policy points, whereas Obama speaks only in generalities. Where is Barack’s plan for America (other than taxing us to death?)

Obama likes to speak of change. I’m thinkin’ that’s all we’ll have left after he initiates all his pie in the sky social programs. Yes, according to Obama, government can cure all the ills of society. And Barack, old buddy, old pal, old sweat sock…Change just for changes sake is no change at all. You’ve proved that it’ll be more of the same with your choice of Sen. Joe Biden as your running mate. Who’s more entrenched in government that Joe? Well, maybe Teddy Kennedy.

The last thing I want is to find a guy in a cheap suit at my front door saying “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you”. As a working person I do not recall even once that I’ve truly benefited from any government program. And when I’ve tried to receive some kind of assistance it’s always been more trouble than it’s worth. People like me don’t have the help of publicly paid advocates who can do all the leg work and grease the wheels. It seems that the beneficiaries of government programs are always somebody else. The folks who don’t or won’t work. The folks who are happy to collect your and my hard earned taxes while they lie about and bitch that they aren’t getting enough.

Sarah Palin is just who we need in Washington D.C. Someone who’s not entrenched in the whole D.C. culture. An outsider who knows how to push back and not accept the status quo just because that’s the way it’s always been. No one told her she couldn't do it. She didn't need the backing of N.O.W. to get ahead. In fact she's just what the radical feminist crowd abhor. A self driven woman who won't take no for an answer.

Just seeing the beating Sarah’s getting from the MSM makes me all the more supportive. I was going to have to vote for John McCain if only because the thought of a President Obama chills me to the bone. The fact that he’s chosen Gov. Palin for his running mate shows me that McCain is serious about enacting some real change in Washington, not some baloney slices that Obama’s throwing our way hoping it’ll stick.

I just have a better feeling about this election than I had only last week.

Governor Sarah Palin showed on TV last night that she’s the Real Deal.